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Pplain (code 3002) or embossed sheet (code 3003) in pure pulp, which has been pre-cut to facilitate tearing and consumption control. Designed for professional use, it is essential for places that feature beds such as the medical-health sector (doctors’ offices, clinics, physiotherapists, osteopaths …) and the aesthetic sector (wellness centers, spas, beauty farms, massage centers … ). It is extra strong and it remains intact throughout the visit or session.
Being 100 meters long, it is a low maintenance product that needs to be replaced less frequently. The rolls are individually packaged to ensure maximum hygiene and safety.
Metres 100
Roll weight 2,3 kg
Dimensions h 60 cm, Ø 14,5 cm, Ø anima 4,5 cm
Pack 6 rotoli
Quantity per pallet 24 scatole
60 h x 37cm
2 plies
6 rolls
- Medical practices
- Wellness & beauty