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Blue mix industrial roll, extra strong and super absorbent thanks to its three micro-glued plies. Its strong texture and high degree of absorbency make this roll the best solution for removing stubborn dirt, oil, grease and lubricants. This product is also suitable for food contact and it can be used both in the food industry and agricultural field, as its blue colour is highly visible, making it easy to spot and avoid accidentally mixing with food.
920 Sheets
Metres 340
Roll weight 5 kg
Roll size h 25,5 cm, Ø 36 cm, Ø core 6 cm (spiral)
Packaging 2 rolls
Q.ty per pallet 30 packs
25,5 h x 37 cm
3 Plies
2 Rolls
High absorbency
- Food industry
- Foodservice
- Garages and workshops
- Zootechnics